So I got my California driver’s license last week. And it only took three trips to the DMV to acquire.
No, no, no, I didn’t fail the test—although I was worried for a while, I admit—it just took me that long to get all my paperwork in order. I didn’t have to take a driving test, just an eye test and the written. The eye test was surprisingly—disturbingly, in fact—easy. The written? Not quite so much.
There were 36 questions, and I could miss up to six and still pass. There were written instructions that said, in part:
Read the test questions carefully. Don't read anything extra into the question. There will be one correct answer and the other two answer choices will be either obviously wrong or not appropriate for the question asked.
Don't be nervous. DMV wants you to pass your test. Good Luck!
They do? They want me to pass? I’m not sure I approve. I think it should be tougher than that, they should be tougher than that. Driving’s not a damn right, it’s a privilege. You gotta earn it.
But maybe that’s just me.
And I see no reason for “luck” to be capitalized. It looks tacky.
Anyhoo, they do things a little wacky here in SoCal. For instance, you get your picture—and your thumbprint—taken before you’re actually tested. I guess they’re not kidding; they really do want you to pass.
The guy doing the taking on this particular day was a friendly gentlemen with a really good shtick. When you’d put your thumb on the print reader, he’d say, “Good. Just a little higher, please? Okay, great. Now just wait for the small shock.” Sometimes he’d add, “It only hurts a little.” Good stuff.
As I’m standing there, awaiting my turn, I look around and there on the wall is something which really makes you question reality. You look at it and you look at it and then you look at it some more but it never stops appearing to be a leftover prop from the Sylvester Stallone flick “Demolition Man.” It is a photo on the wall, as I reckon all DMV’s have in all states, of the governor of that state. But in my new state the governor is, naturally or not so much, the Governator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It’s one thing to know that. It’s another thing to see him on television or his photo in the newspaper. It’s a third and most unreal thing of all to see his official state photo in an official state office. Until you’ve experienced it, you cannot believe just how odd it really is.
So I took the test and, keeping in mind that The Right Answer Should Be Obvious and that They Want Me to Pass, I zipped right through that puppy. In fact, I finished long before any of the other dozen folks taking the test, some of whom had been at work for ten minutes before I sat down; I was out the door before any of them even put their pencils down. Clearly they were overthinking. Or maybe they just couldn't believe in their heart of hearts that the DMV wanted them to pass.
But they did. Ever so much.
I went with my first instinct on about 30 of the questions, leaving the others blank, to be filled in at the end. Of those, several were almost guesses on my part, and one in particular really bugged me. It was this one:
When parking on a hill on a two-way street, your front wheels should be:
A) Turned to the left (toward the street).
B) Turned to the right (away from the street).
C) Parallel with the pavement.
Now, you, dear reader, being a Left of the Dialian and therefore far, far, far smarter’n your average bear see the problem with this here question. As my girl Mona Lisa Vito would attest, it’s a bullshit question, in so far as it’s completely unanswerable in that form.
Because, of course, it depends upon whether you’re parking uphill or downhill, vital information which the test omits.
There was a bit o’ vital information which I’d missed myself when I started taking the test, and only noticed when it came time to flip it over and start on the second half, and that bit was this: I was supposed to check the box next the correct answer with an X. I’d been using check marks. What to do? Continue in my erroneous fashion, or remain consistent?
Well, as the fish would say, what would you do?
After my test was graded—I got two wrong, and received a smiley face for my outstanding score—I pointed out the incompletely worded question to the dude at the counter. He first opined that the important information was the two-way street bit, but I questioned that reading. He then looked at it again and laughed and said they’d been using this test for years and no one else had noticed.
So I wonder. Are both A and B considered correct answers? Because depending upon the direction of the hill, they could be.
I haven't slept well since. It plagues me, this question.
Anyhoo, as I drove away from the DMV, I considered it already a successful day, perhaps having made the world a slightly better place for having improved a test at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Knowing that I would soon receive in the mail my official license with, let’s be honest, a stunningly attractive photo of my fair self, I thought, “Today I may not be a man…but I am a Californian.”
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