So once upon a time, this was my blog. Well, it still is, it's just not my only blog anymore, not by a longshot. In fact, it's probably my quietest. I used to post a lot about politics and music and family matters, but these days it's pretty much just family matters and, let's be honest, with only six kids, there just aren't that many good stories to tell. Well, okay, the truth is that as the kids hit a certain age, I don't feel comfortable writing about them anymore. At a certain point, as Top Management says, the stories cease to be my stories and become their stories. And I never really wrote about my work and I've got a new blog where I do almost all my music writing.
So. If, for some reason, you feel like reading my writing (for free), you should check out my other blogs:
The Other Scott Peterson is where I write about my work.
Reason to Believe is where I write about music.
And then there's this place. Which, hey, you're welcome to stay. In fact, it'd make me happy if you did. I'm just not such a great host no more—and considering what a lousy host I always was, that's saying something. Still and all, even if I sometimes go many a month without barely stopping by and its design is nearly a decade out of date, I love this place. It's home.
Here's my official bio:
I'm the writer of Truckus Maximus and Batman: Kings of Fear as well as the Uncivil War series of books. I used to edit Detective Comics, the flagship title of DC Comics, as well as Batman: Black & White, Green Arrow, Nightwing, and The Batman Adventures. I later went on to write The Gotham Adventures, and helped create not one, but two new Batgirls. I've also written children's books, animation, music reviews and novels. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my magnificent wife, children's author Melissa Wiley, and our six children. I write about music at Reason to Believe and about my work at The Other Scott Peterson.
You should totally go and buy Truckus Maximus (my original graphic novel, with artist José García) and Batman: Kings of Fear (with artist Kelley Jones) and my Uncivil War books, by the way. They're cheap and good, much like me. And far more important, baby needs a new pair o' shoes. No, seriously, he does. Literally.
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