Things have been a bit quiet here on Left of the Dial. One reason is because I've been blogging over at a new blog, Reason to Believe, with old friend and regular Left o' the Dialian DT. The new blog is pretty much entirely devoted to music, at least for now, so I might post less music-related stuff here. Then again, maybe not, since that would just leave funny or sweet family stories and, honestly, we simply don't have much such material these days.
Hm. Probably time to throw them all into Thunderdome and see what happens. Bet there'd be some funny and sweet stories then.
"...and, honestly, we simply don't have much such material these days."
You just made me spit-take my Dr Pepper. :)
Posted by: Lissa | Wednesday, May 02, 2012 at 06:52 PM
Yes! And now I have material!
Posted by: scott | Wednesday, May 02, 2012 at 06:56 PM