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Thursday, April 05, 2012


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zombie rotten mcdonald

Thanks for these, they are splendid. Like I said previously, I came to Springsteen late (turned off by the unnerving success of Born In The USA, not to mention wildly distracted by new wave and punk music) but maybe it is better this way, as I have a deeper appreciation....

Hasn't the intertubes been a boon for music propagation? I have some awesome live recordings of my favorite bands, the Mekons, Genesis, Costello, Clash.... Live music is where music lives, isn't it? Unlike you, however, I love the live experiences (even if my aging back and knees and feet do not tolerate it as they used to. Interestingly, I hardly ever notice the pain during the music, but on the ride home...) The smells and the drunks and the bars, not so smoky anymore, is all part of teh package.

The only time I've seen Springsteen, it is noticeable that he and his band are adept at the ability to both hew to the recorded songs, but also to play off each other to bring new, resurgent life night after night to familiar material. You can see other bands who treat it as routine, but every time I see Springsteen (and this does remind me of the latest time I have seen my beloved Mekons I recognize that he has never felt that way, and never treated his audience as routine.

Quite a few years ago now, I went to see Blue Oyster Cult in a small club on kind of a whim. I loved that band back when I was in high school, and was a bit unhappy when they got crappy in the 80s. But it was only 15 bucks, to see them in a 300 person club, and the fact that the first time I saw them in a large venue also cost me 15 bucks for a ticket was amusing enough that I went.

And they were sublime. I call it the Cheap Trick Syndrome; a band that had some measure of success, then not so much; some bands break up in acrimony and disappointment. but some bands come to recognize that making music for a living can be its own reward, and every time on stage when someone is paying to watch you work is a treasure and you might as well pull out all the stops because you might be dead tomorrow, and who wants their last review to say "they sucked"?

zombie rotten mcdonald

Dammit, I 404'ed the link. Here:

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