You know how when you drive on unfamiliar roads during rush hour it’s really stressful because everyone else drives to work on them 250 times a year and they know ‘em like the backs of their hands and you’re trying to figure out where to go and which lane you want and you’re trying to get over but wait maybe that’s not where you want to be after all and does the road split a quarter mile up or do I have to merge here? And it sucks because there’s that one guy who’s all exasperated with you and rather than being nice he’s all in a hurry and just makes the whole thang that much worse?
Yeah. Today I was That Guy.
I hate being That Guy.
oohh...ouch. I hate when that happens! But tommorrow you will let 2 or 3 old ladys merge into traffic and it will all balance out...
Posted by: ed | Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 06:28 PM
Everyone is that guy once in a while. It's unavoidable. It just wasn't your day to be nice.
Posted by: shannon | Friday, August 01, 2008 at 06:29 PM