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Friday, December 14, 2007


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I can't imagine anyone finding you boring. And this'll make you laugh - I've always thought you were one of the cool people! By the way, I'm a pro-life liberal and I know exactly how lonely that can be. But try being someone who doesn't believe in evolution *for scientific reasons*. Quickest way to clear a room is to talk about that.


I love reading the stuff about the kids. :)
I am a Republican (I even work for them!) but I always read your blog. Do I agree with everything? No. But so what? I don't agree with everything the GOP says either. :) I'm against the death penalty, I think drugs should be legalized (at the very least, marijuana for medicinal purposes)--two things which are conservative apostasy to my brethern.
Oh well.


I love reading the stuff about the kids. :)
I am a Republican (I even work for them!) but I always read your blog. Do I agree with everything? No. But so what? I don't agree with everything the GOP says either. :) I'm against the death penalty, I think drugs should be legalized (at the very least, marijuana for medicinal purposes)--two things which are conservative apostasy to my brethern.
Oh well.


How can one not appreciate Miles? (I am assuming you mean Davis). Kind of Blue is the single best album ever. Be glad you have found someone to huddle with in your bunker.And, by the way, I'm a pro-death penalty, pro-choice Democrat. The pro-death penalty thing is hard for my liberal friends to understand. The pro-choice thing is hard for my conservative friends to understand. As such, I refrain from sharing my feelings about those beliefs. And don't even get me started on flag burning...

You are completely right about one thing - no one cares what Uruguay exports.


You know, I totally and completely and wholly and forever disagree with you and will never give up the pro-choice banner. Never.

But I love your blog, including your stories about your kids. Your love for them and Top Management is palpable here.

And, you know, there's a lotta Miles Davis to choose from. Start slow. Go with one of those "Love Song" albums to draw her in. You can get to the high wailing stuff later.


See, this is exactly why I blog pretty much ONLY about homeschooling. If I blogged about anything else I would lose whatever readers I have, for exactly the reasons you mention.
I have to admit it is good to know you and Top Management are out there. At least dh and I are not completely alone in the world.

Karen Edmisten

No, you're not completely alone, Theresa. :-)


Yay! Too bad we are spread across the entire country though.


I'm right with you politically (although being in Australia, that's probably not going to alleviate the loneliness!). Musically..... not quite, but always open to new experiences!

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