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Saturday, December 01, 2007


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Lissa was right, that was beautiful.

When my eldest (now 10) was about a year old, a friend (more experienced by a couple of years) once told me after watching my Perfect Child do something cute and brilliant, "You know, it just keeps getting better."

And I really appreciated that, especially when the usual comments tend more toward the "Just wait 'til the terrible twos", as though there needs to be some cosmic payback for "the good age".

Maybe if more parents had more fun with their little ones, the little ones would be even more fun and the parents would want to keep them near instead of off-loading them at the nearest daycare center. Maybe.


beautiful story enjoyed and advice heeded

Karen Edmisten

They *are* all good ages ... 1 (which I don't get to have anymore) and 5 and 11 and 14 ... there's something so wonderfully good about all of them.

Beautiful story, beautiful moment!

Julie Bogart

Yep, great age. Great story. I love to talk to parents of little ones. It's nice to be at the age where I can be the voice of "enjoy, relax, and they'll turn out" - the voice I listened to when we raised our little ones.


Wow! I loved this post! That part about leaving the house with the non-matching shoes made me smile. As the mother of three, I'm still learning how to loosen up with things like that. Like the lady with the master's degree, "I'll learn!"

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