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Thursday, July 19, 2007


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My God, is that some amazing writing. As someone who kinda loves the written word myself (enough to actually allow myself to use a word like "kinda" once in a while - like a healthy eater occasionally enjoying a Twinkie) I have learned to enjoy a lot of writing but love only a select little. Mostly, I like to be awed. To read something I was not expecting to read.

This one left me in awe. Keri should be very proud. Not because I think it's great, because who the hell am I but a wordy maroon? But because she wrote this and it IS great. I sat here speechless for about 2 minutes after reading that, head shaking and jaw kinda hanging open.

Beautiful job, Keri. Enjoy every raisin.


Children can teach us all, such valuable lessons, if we take the time to watch or listen. Good for Keri for watching and learning. Thanks for sharing.

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