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Thursday, May 24, 2007


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I don't think you even have to squint to see that one!

Karen E.

Nope. No squinting needed here. :-)


Sadly, all too real. I used to tell Dennis that we had eight years with each of our children to make a difference. Eight years of their undivided attention when the people that they would want to be with, listen to, and respect more than any other would be us. Now that Ellie is nearly nine, I am hoping that I was a bit conservative in my estimate. But still...those fields of flowers are flying by.

It did take me awhile to get past the "not caring about flowers part". Knocked the wind right out of me.


you bastard . . . it may seem like a squint to you . . . but it feels like a sharp stick in the eye to me


heh heh
guess where I am?


I don't like dropping my girls off at the mall. (You won't either.)
The cruise ship will be much worse. : (


nah - for Scott, the cruise ship will be easier than the mall . . .


" to deal with scoundrels like the young me was ..."

I know EXACTLY what you mean! Yikes!


I just noticed that Jay was posting under my name. I don't drop my girls off at the mall. In Ottawa, though, I understand they have a whole underground series of tunnels so that you can cross large portions of the city without having to go out into the winter air. That would take some getting used to.

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