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Wednesday, July 26, 2006


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Mary Beth Patnaude

I remember being shocked that they sell hard liquor in drug stores AND grocery stores, here in Maine. They also sell it (gasp) on Sundays, something they don't do in my home state of CT. I grew up seeing the "shades" over the beer on Sunday(that was, of course, after they started OPENING stores on Sunday!)

Steve the LLamabutcher

On the way to the outerbanks there is a gas station/convenience store right on the NC/VA state line. There's literally a line through the middle of the store, with registers next to the door underneath a large Carolina and Virginia state flags. If you time your visit right, you can get gas, beer, fireworks, ammunition, and BBQ in one easy stop.

Just what the founding fathers had in mind, I imagine.


I grew up seeing the "shades" over the beer on Sunday(that was, of course, after they started OPENING stores on Sunday!)

Wow. I remember that. I haven't thought of that in a long time, but the image popped right back up immediately.

Such a sad, sad sight...



That's my problem out here. We keep forgetting we can't buy wine on Sunday a.m. (I mean, what about communion, people?) or beer... and no hard liquor at all on Sun.

We aren't big drinkers, but as southern Californians, we're nothing if not disorganized shoppers. Because the weather is always perfect, you tend to wait until the last minute to buy things and never think about coordinating a trip so that all your stops are in one place or on the same day.

Here in the midwest, shocking to see entire cities under one roof so you can do "one-stop shopping" and stock the pantry (what the heck is that anyway?).

As for pedestrians being patient at walk and don't walk signs... well yeah! Blew me away to visit the Big Apple and watch my life and several others pass before my eyes... every two blocks.

Glad you're enjoying the Southern California difference. ITA btw about SUVs in compact spaces... in all spaces. They drive me crazy.



As for pedestrians being patient at walk and don't walk signs... well yeah! Blew me away to visit the Big Apple and watch my life and several others pass before my eyes... every two blocks.

Man, I loved that. Someone would cross when the lights were red, a car would have to come screeching to a halt to avoid splattering the walker, and the pedestrian would either completely ignore it (my personal approach—I always figured that if I didn’t see the speeding taxi, it didn’t really exist and therefore couldn’t hit me), or else look so insulted, so offended by, I dunno, the noise, I guess. The pedestrian would likely give the driver a dirty look, perhaps slam a fist on the hood of the car…and never once break stride.

What a town.

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