So we’ve got a bear in our neighborhood.
At least, that’s the rumor going around. I’m a little skeptical myself. I suspect people have seen the local llama
and gotten a bit freaked out and let their imaginations run wild.
But whatever. I could be wrong, I reckon. It’s been known to happen. Hourly.
More, likely, I think, given the plethora of flora in our little paradise, is that the bear is actually a relative of this cute and cuddly lil’ feller:
Monster Rabbit Devours English Veggie Plots
LONDON (AFP) - In a tale reminiscent of the last Wallace and Gromit movie, furious villagers in northeast England have hired armed guards to protect their beloved communal vegetable gardens from a suspected monster rabbit.
Leeks, Japanese onions, parsnips and spring carrots have all been ripped up and devoured by the mystery were-rabbit -- prompting the 12 allotment holders in Felton, north of Newcastle, to hire two marksmen with air rifles and orders to shoot to kill.
"It is a massive thing. It is a monster. The first time I saw it, I said: 'What the hell is that?'" the Northumberland Gazette newspaper quoted local resident Jeff Smith, 63, as saying on its website (
I just play a LLama on tee-vee----in real life my familiar is a Moose.
Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher | Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at 07:58 AM
Driving home from taking Max to her weekly day out in the woods (no, we don't just drop her off by herself for eight hours--we make sure she's got a water bottle), I noticed for the first time that our local goslings have hatched.
I slowed down to watch the adorable family: mama (or maybe papa) in the lead, then a half-dozen of the cuddly little furballs toddling behind, and then papa (or maybe mama) bringing up the rear. It was so cute.
And then mama (or maybe papa) noticed me and said, "Hey, seriously, shouldn't you be at home cutting your lawn?"
I live in a tough neighborhood, man.
Posted by: Scott | Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 08:09 AM