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Wednesday, August 03, 2005


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Oh my gosh. Thank you for that hilarious, moving account.


Scott, you are SO funny! You had me laughing, crying and re-living my own ridiculous kids-having-surgery- stories. Thanks for sharing.........will be keeping the Boy in our prayers.......and his family, too.

God bless,

A friend of Top Management,

Jane Renz

Howdy Scott,
I know Lissa from a couple of lists and saw her post about "The Boy's" surgery. I wanted to read the blow by blow so I checked out Left of the Dial. Thank you so much for the great read. I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that you are gifted. Not just with writing but as a comic. I laughed out loud over and over. My husband came by to ask what was so damn funny so I read some to him. Bless you all.
My best,

Joan Haselman

Hi Scott,
I was directed to your wife's webpages by a homeschooling mother and I clinked on her blog and then yours. We were on a homeschool list together until soon after "The Boy" was born.
I saw his picture posted on her blog pages. He is a cutie. I have a couple of things in common with him, I had a hernia operation as a child (just one... but it kept me in the hospital for over a month with complications), and I am deaf.
Your son is awesome and so is your family.
You are all in my prayers, always.
It was a great joy to be able to read Ms. Wiley's blog... I miss her.
Love in Our Lady,
Joan Haselman


It was a great joy to be able to read Ms. Wiley's blog... I miss her.

You and me both. I only get to see her for a few hours a day, which just isn't enough. Okay, it's more like eighteen hours. But still. Just not enough.

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