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Monday, August 22, 2005


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Oh joy! Your review. Thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance to relive the experience again through your lens. We had a different set list but there was enough overlap in the songs you highlighted that I felt like I got to enjoy the show one more time.

I loved that you said this:
"It was music made by an adult for adults. It was not for those who see the world in black and white, or seek easy answers to complex questions. It was for those who can acknowledge that there are troubled times and sometimes it’s hard to know just what the right thing is in every situation. It was for those in search of catharsis and redemption and are willing to put in the effort to understand those things and do the work necessary to achieve them. It was not for everyone, and there was never any pretense about that. It was for those who are interested in exploring some of the finest art being created today."

I also feel that Bruce, Bono and Sting are three artists who've given us lyrics that speak to adults while having caught our loyalty while we were young. We trust them to sepak to us now because they spoke to us then.

Bruce is rare, though. He's American. He knows our roots, our culture, our unique American idealism and angst. His voice and musicianship are added dynamics that make the message come alive.

Thanks Scott. Sorry for nagging. :)


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